

Japanese Cultural Experience in Tosa culture Samurai culture, Tea ceremony〔Sado〕

This lecture provides opportunities for foreign residents in Kochi Prefecture to learn about the history of Kochi and its traditional culture.
The first part of the lecture will cover the geography, climate, language, food and sake of Kochi Prefecture, as well as the Shikoku Pilgrimage.
In the second part, visitors can experience the culture of “tea ceremony (sado)” and samurai (including etiquette, wearing armor and handling swords).
Finally, visitors will take a tour of the museum.
We’ll help make your life in Kochi as meaningful and enjoyable as possible.


Japanese Cultural Experience in Tosa culture Samurai culture, Tea ceremony〔Sado〕
June 23(Sun),2024 13:30~15:30
場所Kochi Castle Museum of History 1F Hall
参加定員First 20 arrivals 先着20名
参加費1,000yen(Admission fee, Sweet and Green tea)
備考《How to Apply》お申し込み方法
◆Send a post card or a fax, or call us with your name, address, and telephone number.

《Contact Us》お問合わせ
Kochi Castle Museum of History
2-7-5 Otesuji,Kochi 780-0842
Phone 088-871-1629 FAX 088-871-1619
高知県立高知城歴史博物館 地域企画課

主催等Organized by Kochi Castle Museum of History 〔主催〕高知城歴史博物館
Co-organaized by Kochi SGG Club 〔共催〕高知SGGクラブ


This lecture provides opportunities for foreign residents in Kochi Prefecture to learn about the history of Kochi and its traditional culture.
The first part of the lecture will cover the geography, climate, language, food and sake of Kochi Prefecture, as well as the Shikoku Pilgrimage.
In the second part, visitors can experience the culture of “tea ceremony (sado)” and samurai (including etiquette, wearing armor and handling swords).
Finally, visitors will take a tour of the museum.
We’ll help make your life in Kochi as meaningful and enjoyable as possible.
